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Quick Thoughts
Quick Thoughts
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Quick Thoughts

wayne's picture

Karl and Angela were right

They were right about Virginia's commuter system. It is the worst I've ever experienced, much worse than Seattle, San Jose, San Francisco, Pittsburg or any other place I've been with "bad traffic."  read more »

wayne's picture

Long Road trips

Ugh. long road trips. I think we're half way through this one. We're spending the night at my parents' place. The trip through Wyoming and Utah was the worst part, although it got a little scary in Nebraska as well. It's just so long. Three days of driving long 13+ hour drives isn't enjoyable to most people. I am one of those. Although we did listen to To Kill A Mockingbird on audio tape. Good book. How much have we learned from our mistakes as humans?

rebecca's picture

thesis proposal

They approved my thesis proposal!! Yay. This means I can actually stay on track for graduation next spring term. So I'll be working on creating a paraphrase generation system with more variability in the sentences it can generate. Fun eh? I thought you might agree with me. Anyway, thought I would share the joy. Yay! I'm done! Just one more final and I will be done with the semester...then it's all about Christmas fun.

rebecca's picture

end of classes!!!

Classes officially ended today, and I just turned in my last class project (yay for being able to just email in the final report). I'm very excited to be done with the hard part. Now I just have finals left. :)

We're going to celebrate by going to see Brothers Grimm again tonight, before it leaves the dollar theater. Studying for finals can wait until tomorrow.

Yay! Celebrate!!

wayne's picture


Sundays are such great days. I really love them. I feel so rejuvinated after a good Sunday.

wayne's picture

MIT research?

Among a fringe community of paranoids, aluminum helmets serve as theprotective measure of choice against invasive radio signals. Weinvestigate the efficacy of three aluminum helmet designs on a samplegroup of four individuals. Using a $250,000 network analyser, we find that although on average allhelmets attenuate invasive radio frequencies in either directions(either emanating from an outside source, or emanating from thecranium of the subject), certain frequencies are in fact greatlyamplified.  read more »
wayne's picture

Legal 'persons'

If corporations are legally considered 'persons', why are we not able to prosecute them as legal 'persons'? I know it sounds childish, naive, etc., but shouldn't corporations go to jail for theft, obstruction of justice and even second degree manslaughter?

wayne's picture

Free WiFi for everyone!

I found this quote on engadget.com.  read more »

wayne's picture

Justice Kennedy (US Supreme Court) on movies

My friend jon sent me this quote. I agree with Justice Kennedy's assessment of why producers make unsubstantial movies.  read more »

wayne's picture

Sick of School

My head hurts. And I'm sick of School.

Both of us are.

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