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we heart freecycle

rebecca's picture

It was a pretty slow week. Paela and Aderyn both got pretty sick, making sleep difficult to come by -- for us and for Aderyn. This, of course, is the story of Aderyn's life so far.

Paela woke up with a crusty eye a couple of days in a row, in addition to her cold, so she had the privilege of going to see the doctor. Conjunctivitis, was the verdict. Eye drops, the treatment. Ever try to get a toddler to let you put eye drops in her eye? Ever try to get her to let you put eye drops in a second or third or fifteenth time? If you wonder just how physically strong your toddler is, just try putting an eye drop in several times a day. You will learn. You will learn that you are not as strong as the toddler is. You will learn that two grown adults are almost not as strong as the toddler is.

Saturday was a welcome change of events. Camilla and Victor and Cameron came over to play. After a pleasant BBQ picnic, we went to our local park. Evidently going to the park on a nice day after a local community event is a wonderful idea. No one else is there, because everyone was tired out from having gone to the community event. This will soon erase any thoughts that you should have known to go to the event, because an empty park in nice weather is quite a luxury. 

Speaking of which, we are glad the weather is turning nice. Most days it is really pleasant (highs in the 60s or 70s), and some days it lightly rains to cool things off a bit. It makes us want to be outside lots and lots. Aderyn and Paela are both glad of this. Paela is also glad that we scored a bucketload of duplos from a nice fellow freecycler this week to make the rainy days that much more pleasant. And wouldn't you know it? There was a set of Dora/Boots/Swiper characters amongst all the duplos. What a lucky girl.

Wayne had finals for his classes. He attempted to post grades yesterday, to be all done with the semester, but darn that computer security -- he got locked out of his account after three failed logins before he could post grades. Let's hope the help desk can help him tomorrow.