Rebecca had visiting teach on Monday, which meant that she took Aderyn with her and I stayed home with Paela. Because Rebecca's visiting teaching companion has a four-year old, she came over to play with Paela. We've done this arrangement in the past and it worked out fine, but this was the first time that I have seen Paela become more reactive and interactive with her playmates. In the past, she will play with her 'friends' in a similar way as she would play with her baby sister: she brings them toys and runs around talking at them, instead of talking with them and responding to their interests. On Monday, there was a change.
Aderyn screamed bloody murder all day Tuesday (and all the night before). We decided that since she was pulling at her ear while yelling and was just getting over a cold, she might need to go to the doctor. So Rebecca took her to the doctor and found out she had an ear infection. We have been giving her antibiotics since, along with some doses of (generic) Tylenol. She's been doing better, but when she has her six month doctor's visit next week, we hope things will be cleared up.
Rebecca took Paela and Aderyn to a friend's house to play one morning. Play dates are some of Paela's favorite times. She would much rather be having one-on-one social time than doing almost anything. Except the playground. That's number one.
And Rebecca increased her hours at work. Not out of an interest to work more, but out of necessity. With Rebecca working more hours, we had to find a way for me to keep my sanity. By increasing her hours in the morning, I think we have found a time frame wherein I can manage a full day of activities. We went to the farm in the morning on the first day and played until it was nap time. Pyre has begun to take a long morning and afternoon nap which means that the girls are usually out of commission from 1 PM until 3 PM. That makes for a perfect day [let's hope this lasts...perhaps it's just illness induced long naps -bec]. Thursday evening we attempted to get down to the ICA in Boston, but found that game traffic was terrible and turned our tails and ran back home [after half an hour of driving we had gone just two miles on the freeway].
And Friday we swung by Camilla's house in the morning. Paela wanted to play at Cameron's house. She loves her Aunt 'Mil'.
After such a busy week, we chose to make Saturday a lazy Saturday. Paela took her soccer ball to the park and kicked it around with her daddy. She even woke up in the middle of the night still talking about kicking a soccer ball. Isn't it fun to have a 2 1/2 year old talking at one in the morning about how great a soccer ball is?
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