Yield | 5 |
Prep Time | 1 hour |
Tags | Side dish |
Yield | 5 |
Prep Time | 1 hour |
Tags | Side dish |
Saute chicken in olive oil on high heat until brown on both sides. Sprinkle liberally with salt and pepper while cooking. Remove from oil and set the oil aside for now. Boil chicken in enough water to cover the chicken on medium heat for approximately 15 minutes, until chicken is stringy and falls apart.
Meanwhile, boil 2 cups water with bouillon. Once bouillon is dissolved, add flour stirring with a wooden spoon. The dough should become very thick. Add the butter to smooth out the dough and fold in egg yolks. Cool in the fridge for about 10-15 minutes.
Bring reserved oil back up to medium-high heat and add garlic, onion, bay leaf and salt and pepper. Saute until slightly brown. Take off heat. Chop up chicken and add to the onion garlic mix.
Remove dough from fridge, separate into amounts the size of a large egg, should yield ten. Flatten the dough balls into round patties, retaining slight stickiness for catching breadcrumbs on the surface. The dough should be about 1/4 inch thick. Put enough chicken mixture in the middle and close the coxinha, making an egg shape.
Roll in bread crumbs, dip in beaten eggs and then cover with another layer of fine breadcrumbs.
Fry in oil until slightly brown on the outside at medium-high heat. The dough WILL not be cooked, it is meant to have a cripsy light crust while being tasty and doughy on the inside.