/home/karlrees/public_html/gallery2/bla Journal | Wayne and Rebecca Madsen
All our major writings, including weekly updates.
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wayne's picture

The long drive to Berkeley

The last time I remember being deeply impacted by an artist was my freshman year in high school when I haphazardly came across a book on Basquiat in the Border's art book section. I bought it on the spot. I have been impressed by some other artists along the way (Goldsworthy, Friedman, Turrell, Haring, etc) but none with the same influence of Cory Arcangel.  read more »

rebecca's picture

candy candy candy

We tried another farmer's market yesterday, and this one was a winner (at least for our needs). Wayne was so funny...he was like a kid in a candy store [in a candy store that has everything for a cheaper price than the normal stores! - wayne]!  read more »

wayne's picture

FYI: we had a really un-interesting week.

For example, Monday we ran errands. And I can't tell you what those errands were. Other than we were at Target and they were having a good sale on kitty litter, so we picked up about 60+ pounds of the stuff. That's how exciting the start of our week was. And it only went up from there.  read more »

rebecca's picture


This is our 200th post on our blog! So to celebrate, we turned on our heater. It's not that cold here actually: highs in the seventies, lows in the fifties. We're just being wimps at the moment. We'll probably turn it off after only a few minutes.

We watched more hours of television this week than usual. Eight hours (or in Wayne's case, ten) this weekend alone! I suppose it wasn't technically television, I suppose, since we don't get conference on TV here in CA. But radio is closer to television than we usually get! Well, except for the occassional movies....  read more »

wayne's picture

Operation Weekly Email

What didn't we do this week?  read more »

wayne's picture

The Devil and Daniel Johnston

We rented this documentary last night. I've got such a jumble of thoughts after watching this film that I think i need to write them down to sort them out.  read more »

rebecca's picture

hot tubs are nice

Well, we finally picked a health insurance plan. My company offered a few different options, and it was a headache to try and figure out the difference between HMOs and PPOs, and decide which we wanted. Fortunately if we don't like what we picked, we can switch in December. So let's hurry up and get sick so we can figure out if we like our insurance!  read more »

wayne's picture

A short short short week

This week began half way through, due to labor day, and ended abruptly as well. Rebecca had Monday off due to a company holiday, which is a good thing because we spent our labor day driving home from the redwoods. We knew she also needed Friday off, so to make up for Friday in advance, we had planned that she would work extra long hours the remaining three days; this plan quickly dissolved when we weren't able to get her into work on Tuesday until noon. Between getting myself moved into my studio on campus and other problems, it turned out to be a long day.  read more »

rebecca's picture

camping - over the river and through the woods

We had quite the week, I'll say that much. We are now California residents...we both have driver's licenses, the car is registered and we thought of a new mnemonic phrase to help us remember the new license plate, and we even have a local bank to our names. Well, to Wayne's name, since I didn't have a "valid" government photo ID (at that point I had a paper CA license and my old UT license, which the CA people told me would be valid but the lady at the bank wasn't convinced).  read more »

wayne's picture

we're not in kansas anymore

Well, for those of you who didn't know... we moved. How's that for Captain Obvious?

Two weeks ago (was it only that long ago?!) we finished packing up most of the house. We had planned to load the truck on Tuesday with some of our church members' help and we wanted to be mostly packed up before they came. We like efficient moves where everything is ready and we only need manpower to move things from our apartment into the 16 foot truck. How did we ever get enough stuff to fill a 16 foot truck? I don't know. I blame unsold artwork which clutters our lives.  read more »

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