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a diagnosis

rebecca's picture

It's official. Star has feline diabetes. Lots to learn. There are some helpful online communities that have given advice and start-up supplies, so we'll try this out and see how bad treatment will be. Our biggest worry still is the time commitment -- what do we do when we need to go on vacation if she needs insulin twice a day?

We had a fun Memorial day at Camilla and Victor's. Paela loves going to their house. Aderyn found some dolls and stuffed animals to carry around. And Paela practiced the wii -- with it downstairs she doesn't play with it much at home!

We took advantage of Wayne's summer schedule and my part-time status to go visit a local indoor playground one rainy morning. It smells just like I remember those kinds of places smelling. Like feet and plastic. But the girls liked it.

Another morning we visited the DeCordova sculpture park and museum. It's been awhile since I've been to an art museum with Paela, and I was impressed with the kinds of observations and guesses she was willing to hazard about various pieces. I think both girls loved the chimes they got to play with most, until Paela tripped and skinned a knee. She limped around the rest of the day, begging to be carried. Silly girl.

The neighbor girl wandered over another afternoon, and Paela had fun offering her chalk and balls and showing her the slides and asking her questions.

And both girls crashed super early two different days. The mysterious fever probably had something to do with it. Luckily it was just a fever and tiredness. Those kind of bugs feel like a cakewalk comparatively speaking.

And we look forward to my folks arriving this week! Time to nail down plans.