Wayne and the girls tagged along on a few adventures with Camilla this week. The science museum on Monday, the water show at Jordan's another day, and the park on Saturday. Cameron and Camilla came to play Thursday while Wayne was teaching class too. Paela has enjoyed running around with her cousin so much. And Aderyn has enjoyed tagging along.
The girls and I got nasty colds this week, though, so I didn't do exactly what I'd planned. I worked from home a couple of days, since I have a presentation to prepare and couldn't just take a sick day. I missed book club even though I actually read the book a month ago. And I kept meaning to run an errand or two that still haven't been done. Also, napping with a one-year old and three-year old is just a dream. Even if it is Sunday afternoon. Because one of them will want you to know they need to use the bathroom, and the other will have an amazingly short nap herself.
You'd like to think I was good about going to bed early this week, but you'd be wrong. Wayne and I were working on a website quite late several nights this week. It's coming together, so that's nice.
Paela was smart though, and went to bed a full two hours early two nights. She didn't even want dinner, she just said she wanted to go to bed. And she still slept until the usual time the next morning. Lucky for the rest of us!
Today Paela joined the other Primary kids (with Wayne tagging along) while the kids sang a song to all the mothers. Her willingness to go up to the front of the chapel is much appreciated. Just a few weeks ago she adamently refused to go up to join in singing an Easter song.
One more random story from the week: Aderyn and Paela enjoyed a healthy lunch, and then Aderyn pointed to the microwave and said "POP! POP!" It turns out she wanted popcorn to complete her lunch. Which she came up with all on her own. Silly girl.
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