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wock wock wock

rebecca's picture

Happy Easter! Camilla and Victor and Cameron came to Church with us and then hung out for dinner and running around time. It was a great day. Paela especially loved having them over. She was concerned as we were driving home from Church, wanting to make sure they were still behind us. And never mind that Aderyn wanted to hold Paela's hand for ring around the rosy -- Paela was busy trying to sandwich herself between Cameron and Camilla!

We looked briefly at the furniture store, trying to visualize Paela in a twin-sized bed, but her legs are just a touch too short to make it comfortable for her to climb on. So we shall return to trying to convince some of her stuffed animals to "sleep in the box with the others" to minimize the bed crowding. Both girls loved running around the store though. Plus, it was the store that has a huge colorful water show and little cars we could use as strollers. Fun times.

I had Monday off for Patriot's day (what? You didn't??), so the girls and I made a day of it. Wayne got back late that night, and we all celebrated my birthday a day late on Tuesday. Paela had suggested I have a tomato cake, and since my opinion doesn't matter, that's what we did. Or rather, I had my usual cookie cake (yum!) which Wayne decorated to look like a happy tomato. It was a win-win. Both girls were quite eager to help me tear up wrapping paper.

The piano technician came to fix middle-C on our piano (hoo-ray!). It is amazingly difficult playing anything without a working middle-C. It totally throws me off my groove, even more than having two little girls banging on the keys next to me.

And Aderyn has been exploding with words this week. Every day she comes up with 2-3 more words. Her favorite was "wock" as she rocked her little rocking chair. She giggled her little head off and said "wock, wock, wock" over and over. Also, she is showing her independence more and more. She absolutely refuses to wear a bib anymore (sigh, hello stain remover). And she refuses to have the tray on her high chair. She almost refused the whole booster seat feature, but slowly she came to see the benefit to sitting a bit higher. If we have a fork, so must she. Preferably our size and hers both. It took several nights of dinner-time melt downs before we wised up to the new way things are. Too bad the language explosion is happening after we resolved that. I'm sure she'll find new ways to puzzle us to tears in the future.