We got the plague again. Well, Aderyn and I did. The rest of them are healthy enough, so far. I suppose I got less sick than everyone else the other times, so maybe it was my due comeuppance. We are tired of stomach bugs in our house, though.
Sunday was a sad, sad day. We made a mistake, and let the parakeets out of their cage between sessions to amuse Paela. And then when Aderyn wanted to go outside, we tramped outside. Forgetting that the birds were still waiting on top of their cage and not yet inside it. And Parrot flew out the open door. Poor Parrot! Poor Keet! And poor Paela who keeps praying that Parrot won't be lost anymore. A local pet shop told us a story about a man who was annoyed at how loud his parakeet was, and purposefully let it fly away outside. A year later, the bird flew into the man's chimney looking for home! So a few times this week we let Keet fly around the bedroom while we leave their cage outside, hoping that Parrot is still there somewhere and might see his cage and fly home.
A couple of Paela's friends (and mine) came over on Tuesday. We had a fun morning with them, and I learned that Paela has definite ideas of how her toys are meant to be played with, and she can communicate that to her friends. Whether they agree or not is a different matter. I am happy they disagree peacefully though. (For now.)
Wednesday found Wayne and the girls at the library's story-time. Aderyn's naps are finally conducive to the story-time schedule again. I had Wayne and the girls pick me up from work a bit early so I could renew my driver's license. I now have a Massachusetts driver's license. Thankfully the line was short, and we made our exit to go to the mall play area soon enough. The girls had a blast, and Paela was glad she was wearing plain old socks that she could take off and get better traction that way.
Camilla and Cameron came to babysit Friday, and the girls had great fun with them once Aderyn got over being sad to see me leave. We had a beta test for our big demo, and it went well. No crazy last minute bugs, so we keep our fingers crossed.
And yesterday, the girls and I cleaned house before we went to the local farm to feed the animals and pick up some honey. They loved visiting the farm! The loud noises that used to startle Paela don't faze her anymore, and she was eager to give each animal a turn at the lettuce the farm supplies. Later in the afternoon we hung out at the crazy busy park, where the girls ran from slides to swings and back again. And then Paela ran across the bridge over and over for nearly half an hour. And that is when I started feeling ill, so we went home again.
But I'm getting better. Thankfully.
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