We are getting better. Mostly. Our colds took the opportunity of weakened immune systems from the stomach flu to make a huge resurgence, but we're mostly better by now and (finally) sleeping some again. Some sleep is better than none, though not as good as lots.
I'm glad we had President's day off for a bit more recovery time, though that's the day we told Paela no more "sick time" napping (makes for much too late of a bedtime when she takes a not-sick nap). Aderyn got super clingy (but this is normal for her) wanting Just Mom all the time. Paela got jealous and also wanted Just Mom. Wayne got worried about Tuesday afternoon when it would be Just Dad again, but returning to work was fine for both of us. Though Paela requested we call Wayne on the phone to ask him when he was coming home Tuesday morning.
Aderyn also stopped taking her medicine. She spits it out. We have tried sneaking in her oatmeal, her applesauce, her yogurt, her milk, her water, her juice, special chocolate milk, and giving it in a big girl cup. No dice. And no medicine makes for a (very) grumpy Aderyn. Which makes for a (very) grumpy family. Yesterday we had luck with blue kool-aid as a transportation device. Let's hope that success holds, because her tummy definitely knows when she skips a dose.
We went to the aquarium yesterday with Camilla and Victor and Cameron. It was a fun adventure for the girls. Paela especially loves watching the fish, the seals, and the diver, and the turtles. Her favorite part was the seals, though. Funny enough you can watch those without even entering the aquarium, so maybe next time we're downtown we'll just watch the seals. Aderyn likes the penguins best, though, and you do need to get tickets to see those. Thanks for library freeness though! Afterwards, we ventured to Chinatown on a coworkers recommendation, and it was amazing food!
Wayne had some Axiom meetings this week (and with the Boston Cyberarts people). Invigorating, but hard for him to fall asleep afterwards. Overall it's a good place to be involved with.
We had another five inches of snow this morning -- which is not enough to cancel Church -- and Paela finally got to give her talk in Primary! A first for all of us. Paela did a great job, too. She was understandably nervous, and buried her head, but holding pictures gave her something besides me to hide behind and she even said all of the words as I prompted her (though not into the microphone, which was not adjustable enough to compensate for an adult holding a child), jumping ahead of me once (we had practiced). Hooray, Paela!
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