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calm before the storm

rebecca's picture

It was a calm week. We're planning the fun for this week, I suppose. All we talked about all this week was what we want to do next week! 

The only other things of note are that we all got sick. Okay, everyone but Wayne. Not that it's slowed the girls down. I stayed home with the girls today, because we didn't want them coughing all over the other kids at Church. Paela's voice is a whole octave lower than normal.

Camilla had the great idea to go swimming yesterday. We attempted to fit in between all the naps. It turns out one-a-day nappers and two-a-day nappers are kind of tricky to coordinate. But we found a 45 minute chunk of the day to go swimming. And everyone loved it! The water could have been maybe a teeny bit warmer for the kids' sake, but you know, they didn't seem to mind their lips turning blue and such. Aderyn and Paela can't wait for someone to suggest swimming again.

We did finish the raking, and unpacking all the sweaters and coats. For once, we're ready before the first snow. Now watch it not snow until January.

(not that I would complain...)