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hot, hot, and more hot

rebecca's picture

It was hot this week. And hot some more. And then another day it was hot too.

We stayed indoors with blinds closed trying to escape the heat. We were grateful beyond words for the little window AC unit. We bought some more fans because the bedrooms don't get much of the cool AC air into them. And we looked forward to the predicted rain that was supposed to cool things down a bit. Mostly, the rain just made things muggier. We didn't realize that was even possible.

But, Paela and Wayne and Aderyn enjoyed the spray park in Waltham one morning. So much so that Aderyn stayed up well past her naptime that day. Paela asked me yesterday if she could go to the spray park again, or the beach again. You think she likes water activities??

Another day was a mall play area trip because the mall is air conditioned. Notice a theme? And story time was attempted and abandoned. It was a different library from normal, so what can we say? 

The missionaries came over one evening, and Paela hammed it up for them. She was so proud that they laughed at something she said, that she turned around and exclaimed in glee that she "made them laugh. I told a joke!"

We went to Camilla and Victor's house Saturday evening. Because they have air conditioning too. :) (we would visit even if they didn't! honest!) Everyone had a such fun playing together. And trying to learn about sharing. Cameron followed Paela around wanting to play with whatever she had, and Aderyn followed Cameron around trying to steal his pacifier. Ah, the circle of life. 

The two non-coolness oriented activites were: chip-in farm and the McDonald's parking lot. I took Aderyn with me visiting teaching, and our lady wanted to visit at the McDonald's since she was running between jobs. After a miscommunication where we thought she wanted to meet in the parking lot, we finally found her waiting for us inside the McDonald's eating her lunch/dinner. And we could have been cool that whole time! Doh!

Wayne says chip-in farm is well worth dealing with the heat. It's just a local farm (literally down the street from us) where they give you a bunch of veggies so you can feed the goats and pigs and things yourself. Paela and Aderyn enjoyed it. Wayne said it's like someone's backyard, but they have a website and everything. It's free to go visit the animals, but they brought home some local honey from their visit and will likely go again soon. 

We learned about the local farm from some friends that are coming over this afternoon. To our air conditioning. I'm sure they have some too, but we are happy to share.