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humpty dumpty had a great fall

rebecca's picture

The climax of the week happened Friday evening after dinner. Wayne and Aderyn had already headed outside because of the heat while Paela and I finished clearing the table. Paela and I went to join them, but Paela turned to go downstairs (where she thought they had gone) and turned too fast when I told her they were actually the other way, outside. This meant she lost her balance and took a tumble down the stairs. The whole flight, minus the first step. It was a terrible thing to watch. Head over heels backwards.

A big goosebump and lots of rocking on the rocking chair later, she seemed fine but didn't want to bear weight on her leg and asked for a Dora bandaid below her knee. When Paela was still not interested in walking on that foot ("No, that's too much.") the next morning, Paela and Wayne headed to the ER to get her leg checked out. After five x-rays and lots of waiting room television, the doctor determined there is no fracture and there's just sore muscles and inflamation. I stayed home with the girls today to help our little gimp keep her leg elevated (as much as you can with a two-year old). It is still pretty swollen and she won't walk on it, but we're hoping things will get better soon.

Other than that, it seemed like a pretty normal week. Wayne took the girls to a discovery museum one day while I was at work. I got a cavity filled one day. I biked to work some of the days. Wayne had a meeting with colleagues Friday morning [We're discussing utilizing multimedia projects to facilitate groups on campus which have statistically lower graduation rates.] We've had pretty warm weather.

Another day was Aderyn's six month checkup (still 90th percentile). Her ear looks completely normal and she's off antibiotics finally. We're trying to help her learn to fall asleep on her own (without rocking or swaddling, but she still gets her pacifier). She loves the mushy baby food. We had taken her off solid foods to see if she would sleep better at night, but it didn't work. She was grateful to have her pears back. The birds, Star cat, and Paela have the quickest calming effects on her. She pulls to a stand and sits really well. Movement is a thing that frustrates her right now. If you aren't watching, she can move all over the crib. But if you're watching she'll just arch her back and complain that her toy is too far away. She just likes to have a secret from us, I'm pretty sure.

Paela's imagination amazes me. The animals on a toy farm have practiced taking turns all week, with Paela as referee. They go down slides and drive cars. They reenact scenes from our local playground. Aderyn is too little, and must wait until she "goes to the temple and gets big." When you ask, Paela says she herself is already big; she has already "gone to the temple." Yes, we walked around on the temple grounds. And she is bigger than Aderyn. She has a point there. Paela's lego duplo tower was just yesterday not a house or school but a temple. This imagination play does make it easier for her to stay in one place to rest her leg. Hooray for long attention spans so she can heal.