/home/karlrees/public_html/gallery2/bla Think positively | Wayne and Rebecca Madsen

Think positively

wayne's picture

Thinking positively is hard to do when Paela is screaming all the time. Why is she screaming? It's either the heat or she might have some teeth starting to come through. If it's the teeth, then we're in for a long time with a fussy baby, because we can't see/feel the teeth at all.

Paela recovered well from jet lag and sleeps regularly during the night. She goes down around 6pm, wakes up at midnight and also at 5am. Then starts the day at 6am. She also scooches everywhere, but no where near as fast as the Rock's child can crawl. He's a speed demon.

We had the Rocks come over to our place. They're moving away from the area in search of employment and so it's sad to lose our good friends. It makes me wish I had reason to leave this area. We pay exhorbitant prices for nice weather and are surrounded by ubercompetitive people -- not my idea of fun. However, our nice weather went away the past couple days, it's been in the upper 80's and sweltering.

So to celebrate the heat, we took Paela to the swimming pool and drove all over on Saturday to take care of errands. She almost made it, but we planned one and a half stops too many. However, since the last stop was to Dairy Queen for a blizzard, I was able to deal with a screaming baby on the long drive home.

And Karl and Angela graciously watched Paela Saturday night so we could go to Rebecca's annual work party/dinner. Why do they do it in April and not December? They have their economic calender aligned that way, but my guess is that the real reason lies in how cheap places are to rent at this time of the year.

I've made some progress on our residency project for the summer, but while we were hoping to have everything ready in Second Life and online for a big public announcement this week, at the last minute the group faltered and dropped the ball. So now I have to explain to my advisor why I'm not able to force people to finish their jobs.

And yay for craigslist! This week we were able to get two new toys for Paela for 20$. Money saved: approx 120$. Both toys were things we already knew she liked, because she's played with them at target or at friend's houses. Sometimes that craigslist comes through for us. But only after you offer WAY lower than what people ask for their goods.

Rebecca's birthday is coming up and I have no time for her. Graduate school is a drain.