/home/karlrees/public_html/gallery2/bla home, washington | Wayne and Rebecca Madsen

home, washington

wayne's picture

sucking on a bucketWe are all still trying to recooperate from daylight savings time and the havok it wrecked on Paela. She woke at 7 am, expecting it to be 6 am, decided it was too early and went back to sleep for another hour. This made us late for church and fueled a fussy baby who didn't know how long she was supposed to stay up or how long of naps to take on the run. Not to mention that I ended up with a two hour nap somehow.

Hopefully that will all be sorted out, although I wasn't expecting this much hassle with a baby out of step with our time frames. Does she somehow know? I doubt it.

Most of the week was crammed into the end of the week when I spent two days up at Montalvo working with Sam Gould and Gabriel Solomon to design the primary residency component from Red76 for the ZERO1 festival. I now know that I am supposed to officially refer to the festival in print with this title, which is good to know: so tell your friends.

But skipping back a bit, Paela was a contributing member to my work this week on various occasions. Monday she came with me to downtown, for the first time, while I did a social intervention at a bus stop, she quietly soaked in the sun and sounds of the busiest intersection in San Jose.

Tuesday afternoon, Rebecca met up with a new friend she made through work to have a play date. Obviously the play date was more to help the parents from feeling socially isolated, because both the kids were under 7 months. But it did remind me that I've met other mothers our age who feel isolated and Rebecca would get along with them, so I'm trying to set up some play dates with other people.

Wednesday evening we hung out with our friends, the Rocks, who we haven't seen in a while. And Rebecca had a whole plethera of visits during the day on Thursday which sped her time away, and then in the evening she left for a Primary leadership meeting. I washed the kid on my own and tossed her into bed. She prefers doing her bedtime story with both mom and dad.

The rest of the story is up at Montalvo. We are developing the infastructure for a recreation of Home, Washington and the Mutual Home Association as well as an online archive database for presenting the contextualization for the experiment. I'm really excited for where this project has the potential to go, but we have a lot to take care of before June 1st. I know some of you have asked me what it is exactly that I do for my art now; as this project unfolds, hopefully it will give some form of contextualization for what I'm trying to do. Sam and I had a good chat over ping-pong about where we see ourselves and where we align with one another. I feel really lucky/blessed to be working with Sam because my interests align with his so closely.

Also, Paela wanted to contribute this week, so I attached her first computer document. After reading Friederich Kittler and Lev Manovich these past few weeks, this has so much MORE meaning to me that my child produced a document in the cyborgian sense long before she was willing to create an analog document. That's my cyborg baby! *sniff*

paelas first.txt648 bytes