The main event of the week was Thanksgiving, of course. It was the first Thanksgiving I've ever had that wasn't with family of some sort. We were invited to the house of one of Wayne's colleagues. Julie had 12 people over, including us, most of the people having some connection to art. I was a little stressed before we got there, because for some reason I felt like the cake I made needed to look really professional, and I thought it just looked messy (the frosting was dripping everywhere...). But I guess the ring of raspberries around it saved it, because everyone thought it looked and tasted great. Whew. It was a good day, with tasty food and interesting conversation. We did miss having leftover turkey though, so we're making a turkey today too. :)
Friday morning we actually ventured out at 7am to "experience Black Friday" at the stores (partly because we wanted to pick up a replacement hard drive for the one we had that died, and partly so we could see what it was really like...). We went to Fry's, and the place was already well picked over. We did find the good deal on a hard drive we were hoping to find, and had fun exclaiming in our sleepy state over how many people there really were. I'm sure if we had been there when they opened we would have been even more amazed, but I'm not sure we'll feel a need to experience Black Friday a second time. [I guess I would much rather pay more money and get more sleep and not have to deal with the crowds than to camp out all night just to get forty dollars off an item; and since we don't even need the items, we won't buy it at regular price. I'd just like to know how Karl gets away every year with little things... there was NOTHING left at Fry's. - wayne]
The rest of the weekend we spent working on Wayne's projects for school. We went to campus so Wayne could catch up some in his figure painting assignment (he put it on hold while preparing for the show he had last week). We spent Saturday cataloguing receipts for the show he'll have next week. We're entering in a spreadsheet information and items from the receipts he and some classmates have been collecting all semester. There are a lot of receipts. And we had a second "tutorial" in Java for another art project.
We did find some time Friday night to put up our Christmas tree (yay!) and have Chris and Alyssa over for a bit for games and good conversation. We stayed up later than normal most of the weekend since it was such a nice break from our usual routine. Busy, but in a different way so it still felt like a break to me.
The earlier part of the week centered on the art show Wayne put up. Monday I invited my coworkers to take a field trip during lunch and eat downtown so we could stop by Wayne's art show. I'm not sure they appreciated his work; the only comment I got from them was that they were impressed with how hard Wayne works. But not everyone has to like it; it was well received by professors and students. Tuesday night was the reception for Wayne's show, so I left work promptly at five to get to campus and help set up food before six. It took nearly an hour to get to campus; normally it only takes twenty minutes at the most. So we were a little stressed getting things ready at first, but we finished in time. Wayne says not many people came, but all the food was gone in less than an hour so I think we had enough. I had made over 80 cookies, and we had a cheese bowl and crackers and tons of orange slices! I went to Wayne's evening class with him after the show and learned about keyboard hacking and opengl and got to see Wayne's presentation on 3-d animation.
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