Going backwards. On Saturday, we spent half the day doing some heavy cleaning. One of the worst things about being in school full time and working the other part of the time is that our only available time for cleaning our apartment is on Saturdays. I'm sure this isn't something most people care to read about, but I grew up doing cleaning and so I clean with Rebecca. We actually have our set rooms: Rebecca does the kitchen, the bedroom and folds the clean laundry, while I do the bathroom, living room and the washing part of the laundry. The reason why I bring this up is because I've noticed lately in movies that the woman is still always the one doing the "cleaning" around the house. It is interesting how archetypes portrayed in the movies are still real. Speaking of movies, we went to the dollar theater and saw Curious George. Rebecca and I love the books, but I went to the movie with my expectations very low. The movie didn't have any problem fulfilling those. Although there wasn't anything special about the film, that monkey was just so cute. They really nailed Curious George...always going from one adventure to the next. A good movie for really young kids.
Thursday and Friday we came down with colds. Luckily they weren't horrible. I spent most of my time painting at home while Rebecca did her best trying to stay on task with applying for jobs [and thesis stuff, of course]. Friday evening we went over to one of Rebecca's friend's house to play some games (who knew that Yatzee isn't as fun when you don't cheat?) and Thursday evening Rebecca made kites from scratch with the girls at our church.
Wednesday evening we went to an awards ceremony for the visual arts department. I got a talent award, yay for free money this spring term! Rebecca also got two presents on Wednesday; her birthday was on Tuesday but some of her presents were delayed. Tuesday evening we had cake and Karl and Angela came over.
Lastly, we saw a video called "The Natural History of the Chicken" this week for FHE. In my search for good documentary films (I still highly recommend seeing "Paperboys"), I came across this PBS film which was highly recommended by some people as being "a real eye opener." Which it was. This isn't so much of a history of the chicken as a series of weird stories about people and chickens, some of which are really funny but all of which make you think about chickens in a new way. They do have their own personalities, possibly because some people look at chickens differently and that gives them new attributes. At any rate, I felt like this film gave justice to chickens and defintely gave them a much higher status in life than what I previously would have attributed to them.
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